Sunday, December 7, 2014

December Happenings

Included in last Friday's folder was a free youth pass to the Vermont Historical Society in Montpelier and a free youth ticket to a Dartmouth women's basketball game.  These passes were given out at our last two field trips, in hopes that the students might return with their families.

The December book order, which is due this coming Thursday, was also included in the folder.  If you are considering ordering books, please keep in mind that a coupon was included for a free book when you spend at least $10 and Scholastic is guaranteeing delivery by December 19th.  As always, you can place your order online by using the classroom code LBMD8.

I am hoping to show the movie "Chronicles of Narnia" on the Friday before the holiday break, so we can compare it to the book The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, which I have been reading aloud to the class.  If you have a copy of the movie that I could borrow, please let me know.  Also, the movie is rated PG, so please contact me if you have concerns about your child watching it in class.

Finally, remember that this Thursday is a noon dismissal for students.  Send in a note if your child will have a change to their normal dismissal routine.  Thanks!