Sunday, June 7, 2015

Field Trips

 The fourth graders had a great time both at Ms. Kelly's farm on Thursday and at the Calvin Coolidge homestead on Friday.  Thank you to those of you who volunteered your time to chaperone!  Enjoy the photos.
Ms. Kelly giving directions on how to plant the Three Sisters.

 Students had to read the directions carefully in order to plant the first two of the Three Sisters -  corn and squash.  (The beans will be planted later after the corn comes up.)

On the topic of digging up the ground, ask your child how they are liking the story Holes, which I have been reading aloud to the class.  We had a surprise visit from Mr. Moreno last week where he told us it was one of his favorite stories and asked the students to quiz him on the book.  I would like to show students the movie version and have them compare it to the text.  The movie is rated PG, so if you have any concerns about your child watching the film, please contact me.