Saturday, November 8, 2014

Standards Based Grading

The first trimester is quickly coming to an end!  The sign-up sheet for parent-teacher conferences is included in this week's folder, so please indicate your top three choices (keep in mind, there is a back side to the paper).  At the conference, we will discuss your child's progress in all academic areas and review the first report card.  The report card this year will look different than those sent home last year, yet it will still be standards-based.  Dr. Baker recently sent out an email explaining standards-based reporting, and there is a notice in the folder to explain about the benefits of standards-based grading.  However, any questions that you still have can be addressed at the conference.

There is also a November book order in the Friday folder, so please consider ordering some books.  The orders are due next Thursday.

If you have any old hand towels that you no longer need, please consider sending them in to our class.  When cut into strips, they work well for erasing personal whiteboards.  Thanks!